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Friday 28 June 2013

Large Skipper Butterfly

This male Large Skipper is the first of two that I have seen and as its nearly a month into the species flight time, I should have seen considerably more by now. Perhaps the poor showing relates to the fact that Spring was a month behind, as a consequence of which it follows on with each season.


  1. Very nice images Roy.

    I went looking for flutters yesterday in my favourite woodland glade and only saw 2 Speckled Wood. The vegetation was much higher than expected due to all the wet weather.

    For many species I think your assumption about delayed emergence is correct.

    1. Thanks Frank, yes the vegetation is a lot higher again, like last year.

  2. Nice to see that a few more butterflies are, at last, starting to make an appearance Roy, I saw my first one of these yesterday!

    Just thinking, if things are running about a month late, does that mean I've got to wait until January for my Christmas dinner?...[;o)

    1. Thanks Trevor, you have to ask yourself do you really need that Christmas dinner, or could you give it a miss.?? {:))

  3. Hi Roy Once again all wonderful shots. I love the black and white edges on their wings. Margaret

    1. Thanks Margaret, yes they are quite colourful when you look closely.

  4. Great shots Roy. I haven't seen any of these yet this year.

    1. Thanks Keith, I have only seen two since shooting this one.

  5. Hi Roy!
    Great pics of the Large skipper!
    I also usually see many more by this time of year!
    Funny enough, I am preparing a post with a female.. I'll mention yours!
    Cheers enjoy your WE!

  6. Hey Roy... I love the eyes on these guys,and there fuzzy little legs : )!!!
    Great shots, and no teasing about what's under your hat !! ; )

  7. Ohhh ..... Wholesale Skipper is also such a beautiful butterfly. This is not easy to photograph but you have some very nice and clear pictures of Roy :-)


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