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Sunday 30 April 2017

A Scenic Walk

The East Anglian region is not somewhere one would describe as "Scenic" and you have to search out areas to find anything resembling that word.

I have posted here some images of an area that I walk at this time. I have featured this in the past and it often produces an opportunity for some nice scenes and also bird and butterfly images as well.

It is early for the both bird and butterfly, but you can observe that Spring has arrived.

Saturday 29 April 2017


Well OK its a male Linnet, but I thought the title was appropriate.

Friday 28 April 2017

Recent Birds

I have collected together for one Post recent bird sightings observed on my Parkland walks.

Jay collecting nesting material.



Missile Thrush searching for food


Distant Linnets

Linnet collecting nesting material

Bullfinch (male)

Reed Bunting (male)

Chiffchaff searching for food



Grey Heron


Great Tit

Great Tits in threatening pose which I shot a couple of weeks ago and forgot to post.