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Tuesday 28 June 2022

Thirsty Bird

Cetti's by the Water.

I was at a good location at Radipole Lake Reserve, Weymouth for shooting Dragonflies. 
Well concealed and camouflaged I was having some success with the Norfolk Hawker and the Emperor species.
Then, who should come along and down close to the water. My friend the Cetti's Warbler.

See below, is that a Werther's Original Butter Candy he's got in his beak.😀

Saturday 25 June 2022

A Country Walk

Scenes from my latest country walk.

A Chiffchaff was still singing away amongst the trees.

There is a lot of Maize being grown this year by Farmers.
Must be fetching a good price on the Market.

Large Skipper Butterflies are now on the wing.

A male Chaffinch sings from an exposed perch.
I know there is definitely a nest nearby.

Large Skipper

The Wheat is gradually turning brown.

I keep finding the Golden-ringed Dragonfly along this walk now.

 The first Ringlet Butterfly I have seen this year.

More wheat on the turn. My view as I sat for lunch.

The Barley below is nearly ready for harvesting now.

More Maize growing which makes an interesting scene.

Maize is grown in UK for animal fodder or as an energy crop which is created in Anaerobic Digesters.
It is also very water efficient and stores more carbon.

Numerous Meadow Brown Butterflies can be found on the wing now and it was by far the most frequent species I observed on this walk.

Small Tortoiseshell Butterfly