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Saturday 30 September 2017

Wednesday 27 September 2017

A Few Birds

You can tell that its that time of year again as there is not much to shoot and one falls back on the few regular species that come within range.

A Grey Heron wading through deeper water than usual

Sheltering from the wind and hoping to grab the passing mouse or frog

Synchronised Cormorants

I am always complaining that I never see a Yellow Wagtail.
On this occasion I did see a few flocking with Pied Wagtails in open farmland, but that said they were so far away that even with a 600mm lens and 1.4 extender these distant shots just about pass for below average.

A frequent visitor to bird feeders - The Coal Tit.

There always plenty of Swans on the lakes in the parkland to practice on.

If you can find a Lapwing nowadays then...........

..............you may find a few more.

Spot the Starlings.

Sunday 24 September 2017

Scenes from Parkland Walk

Sometimes its just pleasant to walk around and shoot whatever images are available at the time of year, rather than trying to find specific birds or whatever your interests are.
Producing this kind of post shows what you see on your journey and hopefully provides interest.

Grey Heron

Red Dead-Nettle

Beef suckling cows and some of their large offspring graze the open parkland area.

Black-headed gulls are always present.

'Art Filter' image of a tree in the parkland.

Hip Berries from the Dog Rose.

A late Speckled Wood enjoying the sunshine.

Great Tit chasing off a Blue Tit.

Guelder Rose Fruits.

Chestnut Tree leaves on the turn.

More fracas at the bird table.

Mutes pruning session at the water's edge.

Haw Berries from the Hawthorn tree.

A small Dog Rose bush amongst tall dead grass provided an attractive image - maybe.

I was looking over one of the bridges in the Parkland and observed literally hundreds of young 'Roach' (I think) swimming near the surface.

Oak leaves on the turn.


Don't know if these are eaters, have not tried them.