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Friday 27 November 2020

Red-necked Grebe

 A visit to Lodmoor Reserve, Weymouth produced this Red-necked Grebe.
A scarce Winter visitor to UK, this is only the second one that I have seen. 
It mainly visits the coastal areas of UK. In Summer it breeds in the Baltic regions.

Sunday 22 November 2020

Beautiful Brent

Brent Geese visit the coastline in my area during Winter.
So I take every advantage to photograph these lovely birds.


Thursday 19 November 2020

Aerial Combat

A spot of aerial combat by two Lapwings that just couldn't get on with each other.

Sunday 15 November 2020

Rocky Residents

Two species of birds that frequent the rocky shoreline at this time of year are featured in this post.

The Purple Sandpiper

This medium sized Wader is a winter visitor to our shores.
Portland Bill is a good area to find this bird at this time.
The beautiful markings make it a special bird to photograph.

The Rock Pipit

This is a resident species and can be found around the rocky shoreline of the UK.
It also breeds in those areas. Portland is also a good location to find this bird and they are numerous at any time. 

Tuesday 10 November 2020

Territorial Dispute

Visiting Lodmoor Reserve a few days ago I noticed two Black-headed Gulls acting strangely and making angry noises at each other on a small strip of mud bank.
On a subsequent day they were there again (or at least it was two of the same species) carrying on at each other until eventually it turned into a full blown dispute over a this slither of mud. It provided an opportunity for a few action shots.