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Monday 27 May 2024

A Weeks Collection

This post consists of various images I have shot over the last week.

The main theme featured is nest building.

Mallard Ducklings are in abundance now around the local rivers.

There are also quite a few Red Admiral butterflies observed that have either come through the Winter in country or have made it across the North Sea from mainland Europe. I have not seen any fresh 'this year' ones yet.

I spent one afternoon in open farmland trying to shoot Skylarks as they go to and from their nest sites which are in open ground. A frustrating activity to say the least.
The result is not so good images I'm afraid.

It is great to see the Bumble Bees becoming active now.

Green-veined White

Another afternoon was spent trying to shoot Sand Martins as they gather nesting material from open ground. On this occasion I didn't have a sufficiently long enough lens, coupled with mostly poor light which meant a lot of cropping/post processing of the images. (Lots of excuse here about bad workmanship)

More activity at the House Sparrows nest.
The female this time.


Tuesday 21 May 2024

A Butterfly Shoot

My target species on this Shoot was the Marsh Fritillary.
Fortunately I found some to photograph.
The last 10 days in May is a good time to look for them.
A good place to find them is the Hillside at Cerne Abbas Village.


The Grizzled Skipper is a difficult little butterfly to find. 

It is so small and moves very quickly from one spot to another at ground level.

Almost as difficult to spot is the Dingy Skipper, but it is slightly larger, flies slower and shows out better,

Another day, another small group of Duke of Burgundy, located on the hillside at Cerne Abbas.

Not at their best now are the Green Hairstreak butterfly as it is towards the end of its flight time.