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Sunday 19 May 2024

The Sparrows Nest

This post is a collection of images taken over a few days, rather than one photoshoot.
We are at that funny time in mid May where it is difficult to go out and find a lot of images about one subject.

The Peacock butterfly taken here below is nearing the end of its life cycle. 
It has completed its task of providing for the next generation and in a few months time we will observe some beautiful fresh Peacocks on the wing.

Horse Chestnut Trees are flowering now and provide for some new colours.

There are still a few Bluebells hanging on in the banks and hedgerows.

Greater Stitchwort flowers are in abundance now and will last through the Summer.

Male Orange Tip butterflies appear to be concentrating more on feeding now along the forest edges and hedgerows.

Herb Robert

Wheat Fields are observed as the most sown crop in the area this year.

I have been observing this pair of House Sparrows recently and as you can see they are in the process of nest building.

The weather is improving now and the Green-veined White butterfly is observed regularly.

I should also be seeing more Red Admiral butterflies now as they migrate into the country.


  1. I prefer a mix of different things in your posts. Do you know, I have not seen a single Peacock since I moved south?! I miss them, especially in the autumn when I would get lots of them all at once on my Sedum. Didn't find anything much interested in it last year, not even bees! So it may be really interesting where I am with lots of different and new species, but some of the common ones from northern Europe are pretty cool too and missed when not around!

    1. Thanks Mandy for your encouragement about the posts. It is good to know.


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