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Saturday 22 July 2023

A Butterfly Aberration - Common Blue

The Common Blue Butterfly is as the name suggests, common in UK and can be found just about anywhere. 
During the season it has two broods, one from May to June and one from July to October.

The first two images below are of a typical male of the species showing the underwings.

On the second image below, note the specific black dots which is a typical marking.
The general background colour is light brown to pale grey.

The following three images are of a typical female of the species .
Note the much darker brown on the underwings and mostly brown on the upper wings.
Also displayed are the similar black dots.

The two images below were taken by me on 20th July 2023 on a footpath on the Northern edge of Dorchester, the county town of Dorset.
When I took the shots at first, I believed it to be a female Common Blue. 
Not having noticed the blue upper wings, I continued on with my walk.

However, when loading the images on the computer I noticed the blue upper wings.
I also realised that there were no black dots inward from the orange dots on the underwings.


I have sought more expert advice and initially it is considered to be a male Common Blue 'Aberration' with the sub name of Obsoleta.
I may have further information about this in due course.

Wednesday 19 July 2023

A Lodmoor Sandwich

On my visit to Lodmoor Reserve Weymouth this week, I was observing a flock of Mediterranean Gulls, both adults and juvenile. There was quite a number that bred at Lodmoor this year as usual.
When I returned home and uploaded the images on the laptop, I noticed that amongst them a different juvenile was photographed. At long range you don't always notice every bird you shoot.

This juvenile was in fact a young Sandwich Tern which I learned later.
The leg ring 411 is being researched.

Another lone bird was this Black-tailed Godwit still in its summer plumage.

The Blackwit was not all that well received by the Med Gulls at first (as I assume) it was trying to rest probably from a long flight.

Eventually the Meds accepted it, or more likely tolerated it.

Unfortunately this lovely Greenfinch would not come down any lower from this rather awkward for photography perch.

A pair of Oystercatchers moved around from one location to another feeding.

Sunday 9 July 2023

A Butterfly Walk

On one of my local routes on this walk I concentrated on Butterflies.

Another very hot day with temperatures around of at least 27c.

iPhone Image

There are still many Painted Lady butterflies around.
They always make a nice photograph.

I have also observed many Seven Spot Ladybirds recently.

The Wheat is almost ready for harvesting.

Honeysuckle flowers adorn many hedgerows now.

Only found one Essex Skipper on this walk.

At last I have observed a good number of Gatekeeper butterflies for the first time this year.

The Golden-ringed Dragonfly

Another Dragonfly I have been looking for that is usually observed on this route appeared in front of me.

A local tributary to the River Frome.

The Small Tortoiseshell which has been in short supply, has now appeared on my walk again.

Barley is also almost ready for harvesting.

A resident species, the Peacock is always a welcome sight. 

More Honeysuckle. 

The Red Admiral found plenty of food on the Bramble bush flowers.

The Small White butterfly eventually pitched so I could get one shot off.