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Monday 22 May 2023

A Local Country Walk

A local country walk which on this occasion the weather was fine and very warm with little wind. 

It is also the time for farming activity to increase especially sowing crops.

Much jibing and sarcasm is often expressed by the less well informed about farm work, in particular Tractor driving.  One should consider if there were no Tractor Drivers, there would be not much food produced. 
Nowadays those Guys driving tractors have to be part Computer Scientist and part Jet Pilot, such is the complexity of tractors like the John Deere 6095R in the image above. Satellite control and navigation systems, aircon, 24 gears high and low. etc, etc. The mind boggles.
It is certainly a little different from the Fordson Major available in the 1950 to 60 decade.
Such as the one below with no cab or anything approaching technical. Driven quite professionally of course, by the spritely 12 year old with a full head of black hair. 

The Barley crop is tall now resulting from the wet and warm weather recently.

Orange Tip Butterfly (Male)

Small White Butterfly (Female)

Large White Butterfly (Female)

A nice find for me below, an immature female Large Red Damselfly.

Greater Stitchwort

Red Campion, Cow's Parsley and Buttercups adorn most side roads, foot paths and bridleways in the County of Dorset at this time of year.

A Jackdaw takin a break.

Orange Tip (Male)

There appears to be a considerable amount of the Maize Crop being grown this year.


  1. I can't see them letting a twelve-year-old loose on the new-fangled tackle they have nowadays.

    1. No, probably not John, although he would probably crack the computer side of it.

  2. Je me régale de ta campagne cher ami. C'est vrai que la mienne est plutôt boisée.
    Et tes photos sont d'une très grande qualité.

    1. Merci Nath, tu es bien trop gentil et généreux avec tes mots.


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