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Thursday, 2 November 2023

The Rainy Season - Storms and More Storms

We don't officially have a rainy season in UK. 
It just appears to rain every day lately.
This is not conducive to Nature Observation or Photography in the field.
This storm below was one of two that I was able to avoid the other day by sheltering in a barn.

This river below is part of the River Frome complex of waterways that flow through the edge of the Town where I live. It is about three times larger than normal due to so much rain.

Although I had been in several storms on the day these two images below were taken, it was surprising to see a butterfly on the wing. This Red Admiral butterfly just flew down from a tree and landed on a sting nettle in front of me.
Red Admirals, although mainly Migrants to this country, are known to overwinter now in moderate numbers. I have certainly observed them in December and January of each year.

Falling leaves are everywhere now and it makes a nice change from green.
It also means that we are more likely to observe birds.

A flock of Long tailed Tits were observed moving through a row of trees alongside a roadway. 
Shooting images up in a tree with the horrible grey sky as background is not recommended. 
I had to do a lot of post processing to get this one viewable.

Due to the constant heavy rainfall experienced recently many of the fields are waterlogged.
The 'Saying', 'Lovely weather for ducks' was certainly appropriate when I photographed these Mallards in a rather wet low lying field.

This pair of Mute Swans were quite happy to swim and feed at the same time in a grass field.

A local scene where Autumn is becoming obvious now.


  1. Great watery photos. Looking back I feel it was usually wet and gloomy when we were gathering material for our Nov 5 bonfires, so maybe we do have a rainy season.

    1. Thanks John. It is beginning to feel like that now.

  2. Bonjour Roy.
    C'est une certitude, les champs inondés font le bonheur des oiseaux d'eau. Ici les canards s'en donnent à cœur joie. La pluie est omniprésente depuis 15 jours dans ma région aussi. C'est difficile mais nécessaire.
    La dernière photo est magnifique.
    Bises et bonne journée

    1. Salut Nath.
      Merci beaucoup pour vos gentils commentaires.

  3. Lovely post
    The light looks very good for this time of year, lovely scenery too

    1. Thanks Dave. When we do get a bit of sun it certainly makes a difference.

  4. Beautiful photos Roy. Here storm and rain too. I like the landscape. Have a nice weekend.


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