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Friday, 10 November 2023

Visit to Portland Bill and Lodmoor Reserve

A visit to Portland Bill and Lodmoor Reserve on the same day. 
Portland unsurprisingly was very windy and quite a few degrees down on recent times.
Loodmoor had lost a lot of its flood water and the paths were navigable again.

A track down to the sea from Culverwell Copse area.

One of only two bird species of interest, in fact the only ones that came with a chance of a photograph.
This Kestrel below (one of two males) that were finding it difficult to hover over the ground due to the strong winds. They were only airborne for a short while and then had to ground again to rest each time.

A small flock of Goldfinch were observed in a sheltered area. 
Some of the birds had not achieved the dark red plumage which will be soon be apparent.

The Goldfinch were accompanied by a female Chaffinch.

At Lodmoor the only bird of interest to be found was this distant Common Snipe.

Apart from the Snipe, there was a mixture of Cormorants, Moorhens, Lapwings and mostly Teal Duck.


  1. Replies
    1. Ei niin monta kuin odotin tällä hetkellä Anne. Tulvat ovat pitäneet heidät loitolla.

  2. Not an area I know at all - apart from when Portland Bill used to get a mention on the shipping forecast. There seems to be a shortage of birds, especially the smaller ones, around here at present. Avian flu?


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