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Sunday, 5 November 2023

A Visit to Lodmoor Reserve

Earlier this week the inclement weather held off and although windy, the rain stopped early in the morning. This provided an opportunity to visit Lodmoor Reserve, Weymouth to observe what birds had arrived during the previous storms. At times, although a cold wind, the sun came out and there was much blue sky. Other times and towards the end of my visit the clouds gathered and it was overcast and raining.

One thing you can always be sure of at Lodmoor is the presence of Lapwings, either in large flocks or small scattered numbers. On this occasion there was a group of about 50 in number. They would be spooked occasionally and get airborne only to return again to the same spot.

Another species always worth a photograph is the Shelduck and there are usually a few around the Reserve.

I can usually find a few Common Snipe hiding amongst the grass areas of the Reserve especially now and on into the Winter.

In this last image below, I can see at least 4 Snipe. They love to hideaway and only come out to the edge of the grass areas. This only differs during extreme cold conditions when hunger drives them out on to the open areas to search for food.

Here below, Canada Geese were making like they were Snipe without much success.

The ever present Green eyed Monster (Cormorant) was swimming around one spot for a while, but failed to catch anything during its dives.

The tale-tale sound of a Mute Swan flying became apparent as I was concentrating on something else. 
It landed on the water in front of me.
It adopts the bent neck pose as it comes into land.

Another bird always present is Starlings which are usually in flocks.
I have observed them feeding along with Lapwing and Golden Plover.
When either of those species get airborne the Starlings will follow and land again at the same time.

Canada Geese in their line astern.


  1. Bonjour Roy. Que de beaux oiseaux dans cette réserve de Lodmoor. J'en connais certains, comme les étourneaux sansonnets, le cygne, les cormorans, mais les autres, je ne les ai jamais vus en vrai, aussi je découvre. Merci Roy. Belle journée.

    1. Merci beaucoup Françoise.
      J'espère qu'il y aura plus à voir sur ce blog plus tard dans l'hiver.

  2. Siellä on tosi paljon lintuja! Täällä ei ole enää muutolintuja. Joudumme odottamaan monta kuukautta, ennen kuin ne palaavat takaisin.

    1. Kiitos Anne. Kyllä, odotan innolla lisää talvilintuja, kun tämä sade lakkaa.😂

  3. Hi Roy,
    Wonderful place and beautiful clouds. Stunning photos of the lapwings in flight! Lovely shelducks and Starlings. I love the common snipes, among thr grass, they are gorgeous ! Thanks for sharing!
    Regards, Maria

  4. Beautiful pictures... And scenery... Regards

  5. Cette réserve est riche et très bien préservée pour accueillir du beau monde.
    Tes photos de vanneaux sont merveilleuses Roy.
    Bonne soirée.


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