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Sunday 26 November 2023

Goosander (Female)


A short visit to Ferry Bridge Reserve Weymouth revealed two female Goosander ducks swimming around in the tidal pools at the South East end of the Reserve.

The lone Little Egret did its best to annoy the Goosanders.

A number of the ubiquitous Rock Pipit were searching for food along the edge of the pool.


  1. Lovely group of photos. Interesting...what you call a Goosander we call a Merganser. Related, I'm sure!

    1. Thanks Mary. Yes, there are various Merganser species, but the same family of Duck.

  2. Great serie! All beautifully captured!
    Regards, Maria

  3. Cette courte visite fut fructueuse ! bravo pour tes photos Roy, elles sont formidables.
    Bonne journée

  4. I love Goosanders, especially the females! When we lived near Geneva they were really common on the lake in the town, you could get close for photos, however this was before we had digital cameras and we weren’t into nature photography back then anyway!

    1. Thanks Mandy. Yes they are worthy of a photo any time.


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