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Saturday 15 April 2023

Revisit Pied Flycatcher

It was two days ago that I observed this male Pied Flycatcher at Lodmoor Reserve, Weymouth.
Due to the fact that during the previous night and  yesterday we had overcast weather with considerable rainfall, I assumed that the bird would still be in the same location today. Migrating North at night it prefers a clear sky and it was far from clear last night.

Thankfully it was still located in a clump of seven Willow Trees and appeared to be feeding well from the insects that are numerous within those trees.

The conditions were not as challenging as the previous occasion I photographed the bird.
I also didn't have my best camera and lens. I thought that using a slower lens may help to cut down the brightness along with underexposing the shots.

"The best camera is the one that you have with you."
That old saying held up on this occasion.


  1. Hoi Roy,
    Prachtige vogel! Lucky You!

  2. ooh Roy what a lovely find. They are lovely birds not seen one in ages

    1. Thanks Pete. A rare one for me as well. I did get a female a couple of years back at Portland.

  3. Bravo Roy, cette fois-ci tu as une très belle série. Ce gobemouche est trop trop joli !

  4. Glorious photos, I'd say that was deffo the best lens!


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