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Monday 10 April 2023

Oystercatcher Pair

At this time of year you are most likely to see Oystercatchers in pairs.
I found this pair at Lodmoor Reserve Weymouth.
I have probably mentioned it before, but their beaks do not look real. 
It is more like plastic than any form of normal beak on a bird.
I did observe another pair on the Reserve in a separate location.
Striking looking species that is always worth a photograph.



  1. Fearless birds in that they seem to have given up any ideas of being camouflaged, hiding away or indeed being quiet. Perhaps that vicious-looking beak is enough to deter any predators.

    1. A real contrast to any background, Thanks John.

  2. Une telle proximité est formidable. J'aime beaucoup.
    Pour te répondre non, le Piaye écureuil ne parasite pas les nids des passereaux. Il fait son nid et nourrit sa progéniture.
    Bises Roy et bonne soirée

  3. Hi Roy. I am fond of the oystercatcher. Great series of pics!
    Regards Maria

  4. They are lovely, thanks for sharing.


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