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Saturday 8 April 2023

A Spring Walk

It really feels like Spring has arrived now, especially when out walking.
Everywhere I hear birds singing, Chiffchaff, Robin, Wren, Blue Tit and Chaffinch were regularly heard on my recent walk.

Spring flowers are showing already, like the Greater Stitchwort below.

Greater Stitchwort

On the Agricultural scene ploughing is well underway, which is good news for the various Gull species that follow the Plough. I live about 5 miles from the South Coast and most evenings at just before dusk I notice flights of gulls leaving the fields and flying back to the safety of the sea and inland tidal lakes.

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Lesser Celandines are blooming now and make for interesting images.

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This Little Egret fortunately happen to overfly my position.

Early Butterflies such as the Peacock, which has emerged from hibernation, are beginning to show in the warm sunshine.

Blackthorn flowers now adorn the hedgerows.

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It wouldn't be Easter without the palm buds on the willow.

Just to remind me that it is not all sunshine yet, there was the odd shower on this walk.

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  1. Lovely springtime walk, Roy. I got out for a walk yesterday and came back with a batch of rubbish photos! But I did hear my first singing Blackcap of the year. Enjoy the Easter weekend.

  2. Hei Roy! Uskomattoman kauniita valokuvia ja maisemia!

  3. Les averses apportent tout ce qu'il y a de bon pour ma nature. Il en faut chez moi aussi.
    Les haies de prunelliers sont un paradis pour la faune. C'est formidable.
    J'aime tes photos de fleurs, superbes Roy.


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