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Thursday 20 April 2023

Flowers under the Hill

At the foothills of the Cerne Abbas Giant in the village of Cerne Abbas Dorset is a great place to visit at the moment.
There are numerous Spring flowers in abundance.
This is just a small selection.

Mostly Wild Primroses

Red Campion


That is no flower.

Mostly Lesser Celandines

Bluebell (English)

This very early 'Early Purple Orchid' was barely visible and was just emerging up out of the ground amongst long grass.

A Mass of Lesser Celandines

This river below is a great place to see Grey Wagtail and in about a months time they will be flying along above the river surface catching flies for their young.


  1. Le printemps est beau chez toi Roy, il suffit de se baisser pour ĂȘtre au milieu des fleurs.

  2. Hi Roy, sorry I haven't been around in blogland. Just catching up a bit. I hope your eyes are good as new again - well it looks like it from your beautiful images. No idea why I am appearing as Anon, but it's Mandy in case you hadn't guessed! xx

    1. Thanks Mandy. You are in stealth mode again.😎

  3. love that first photo!! and Cerne is an interesting village

    1. Thanks Pete. Yes, typically Dorset countryside.


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