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Saturday 13 March 2021

Chiffchaff Arriving

A couple of weeks ago I mentioned observing a Chiffchaff that had been sighted on more than one occasion on my Lockdown walk adjacent to a bridge. 
This would have been a resident bird that remained during Winter.

I have visited the bridge this week and there is still a Chiffchaff there, most likely the one I have seen before. However, he has now been joined by four more Chiffchaff that are most likely returning migrants from their Winter holidays in warmer climes.

Resident Bird

Below are two of the returning birds mentioned. You can observe the dark crusts above their beaks, which from what I have read in the past is due to eating fruit en route during their return migration. 

Perched at the side of the river, all the birds spent most of their time flying out over the water catching insects, mostly Mayflies.

In this sequence of shots below you can just see the mayfly as its being pursued and caught by the Chiffchaff.

In the shots below you can clearly see the fruit crust above the birds beak.


  1. WOW! Those flight shots are superb and good to know some have arrived in the UK to breed Roy

  2. Hello Roy
    I want your reflexes, how did you manage to photograph these little birds in flight? great shots
    stay healthy
    Greetings Frank

  3. A line of pictures of beautiful birds and I am amazed by your effort and carefulness in shooting the pictures.

  4. Very funny the name Chiffchaff..:-))) We call Mosquitero comun... Nice pictures... Cheers

    1. Thanks Ana, yes it sounds like the birds call to a certain extent.

  5. Amazing photos Roy, I can barely even follow flitty little warblers with my binocs let alone pan after them with a camera when they are flying! We just heard our first chiffy the other day on a woodland walk (also first blackcap that day), and in Brittany they would be heard about mid March, so yours are very early ones.

  6. Schitterende serie van de Tjiftjaf, Roy!
    Fantastisch dat je foto's kon maken van de vogel in vlucht en zelfs duikend!
    Geweldig knap fotowerk Mijn complimenten!
    (sorry, in Dutch this time)

    1. Thanks Maria, ik vind het niet erg Nederlands op elk gewenst moment.


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