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Friday, 15 August 2014

Brimstone Pair

The Brimstone Butterfly (Gonepteryx rhamni)

One of our resident and large species which is common mostly in England and Wales.
It is easily identified, the male being greenish yellow and the female a pale green.

Female Left/Male right of the image


  1. I think those butterflies are really attractive and again, beaut' photography from you Roy

  2. These are lovely. I especially like those where the light shines through the wings.

  3. Hey Roy... Lovely close-up photo's of the Brimstone, and on two of my favorite plants to photograph bees and butterflies on!!


  4. hier kan je heel weinig van zeggen,het is gewoon prachtig vooral die twee samen op de distel.

  5. Spectacular images, Roy. The butterlies and blooms are gorgeous! Their wings resemble green leaves. Have a great weekend!

  6. Catching up on your posts Roy, you have posted some beautiful photos, just had a little time of working in the garden and house. Your Photos of the Brimstone shows we do have some lovely Butterflies in this country.
    Found 40 plants in one spot, would be interested in what you think.. so take a look if you get chance..
    Amanda xx

  7. Lovely pictures Roy, the Brimstone butterfly is my favourite butterfly to photograph.

  8. Very nice this lemon teasels and butterflies on thistle flowers. The purple color with white and yellow is a nice combination:-)

  9. Oh tous ces Citrons et cardères.... je suis jalouse ! lol
    Bravo !!!!


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