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Monday 8 July 2024

The Current Nature Offerings and Missed Items

In this post I have included current images taken on my latest walk and some that I had taken very recently and misplaced on the computer.

Common Maple

The other day I could only track down the female Banded Demoiselle damselflies.
I have now been able to catch up with the males.

The image below is somewhat different. It is what happens when you set the camera on f4 Aperture and without noticing you have accidently moved a dial and set the ISO to 51200.

However the result was interesting.

A few butterfly species are beginning to show, like this Green-veined White.

The Red Admiral

High up on this tall bramble trying to get as much of the limited sun as possible, which was tempered by a cool wind.


Meadow Brown (Female)

This Wren suddenly flew to a branch beside me as I was walking over a small bridge and started singing.

Distant shots of airborne Sand Martins.

Pedunculate Oak

Taken the other day I was able to get these distant shots of a Wren feeding and teaching a young Wren how to gather food.

Hedge Bindweed makes a nice image with the green surrounds.

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