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Monday 1 July 2024

Local Walk - Butterflies at Last

The latest local walk has revealed some hope in relation to butterflies.
The improved weather conditions recently has also helped flower growth.

There is also more activity in the Farming World.

Barley Field

Meadow Brown (Female)

This tractor had just been used to turn hay in the field behind the tractor. 
Crossing the river is the only access to that field.

This shot of the Male Gatekeeper is the first of this species I have seen this year. 
It is also quite early for this butterfly to be on the wing.

Gatekeeper (Male)

Large Skipper (Male)

Smooth Hawk's-beard

The female Banded Demoiselle below was quite active, but the male was rarely observed at that location.

Banded Demoiselle (Female)





Philosella aurantica

Walking down a Farm track I heard the song of a Corn Bunting.
It was on top of a bush and I was able to get two shots before it flew off. 
Unfortunately I only had a short lens and had to crop the images.


  1. Hei Roy. Sinulla on ollut mielenkiintoista kuvattavaa. Siellä on tosi kaunista.

  2. Beautiful serie photos of the insects and birds. I only see one butterfly in my yard. Have a nice week !


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