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Sunday, 20 March 2022

A Country Walk

Scenes from a recent country walk.

March is a time of year when we have observed most of what Nature has to offer during the Winter months. Then our thoughts turn to what is likely to turn up for the Spring. 

With birds it is the Spring visitors we are on the look out for. Our resident species will also begin to look at their best. Hopefully there will also be some early butterflies, especially if warmer temperatures occur. Flowers will also start to emerge. We would have already seen the Snowdrops, Crocus and Daffodils, next will be the appearance of Primroses and Cowslips.

So we wait in anticipation looking out for anything different. 

(All non bird images were taken with an iPhone)

Little Egret

The star of this post is this little Wren below that popped up onto a low branch from the undergrowth.






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