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Monday 10 August 2020

Harvest Time

Having recently missed taking photographs of the Barley Harvest I wasn't going to miss the Wheat Harvest in the local area.
The local Farmers took the opportunity of our recent and ongoing superb weather to get started.

As you can see below, the trick is to be up wind when taken shots of the harvester in operation.

Wheat is not the only produce you can harvest now.


Slow Plums


The ubiquitous Poppy around wheat and barley fields.


As soon as the wheat is cut, the baler comes along shortly afterwards.
Those bales are now much larger than they use to be and require a machinery to lift and shift. 

Of course it would be wrong not to photograph a few butterflies when one is out and about.

Small Copper

Meadow Brown

Common Blue (Female)

Common Blue (Female)


  1. Well, tha's a lot diff'rent than what that wuz in our day, bor!
    Actually it's incredibly early; we rarely used to be started on the barley till now. I remember one year when we only began harvest just before I had to go back to school. Blackberries are earlier than usual too - that's the only harvesting I'll do this year.

    1. Yes John, I was astonished at the speed they completed a field each time.


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