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Sunday, 2 March 2025

Visit to Lodmoor and Radipole Reserves

A double visit to both Lodmoor and Radipole Reserves during the week.

Sad to see the last of the Golden Plover this Winter. 
They were there at the beginning of the week, but have now left altogether I think.

Shoveler Ducks are starting to fly around choosing their partners for the season.

The flocks of Lapwings are still around and some are likely to remain.

This Teal Duck was taking a bath to look more approachable for the females.


Some Teal have already found theirs and are taking a rest.

A couple of Oystercatchers are taking it easy as are Cormorants.

Mediterranean Gulls are gathering and soon to be setting up the colony and making nests on one of the small Islands.

Not sure what this Little Egret will do other than fish at the moment.

Chiffchaffs are still feeding up as they dash in and out from bushes to catch flies.

Great Tits are making much noise now by chasing each other around.

I observed two Goldcrests searching trees for food.

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