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Wednesday, 26 February 2025

Active Skylarks and Rock Pipits

A walk in the sunshine around the Portland Bill area Dorset revealed plenty of bird activity at last.

After all of the cold wet weather we have experienced in this area it was really nice to hear the Skylarks starting to sing. It also means that Skylarks will be having disputes over a patch of grassland. 
I was able to capture one such dispute of two birds.

This Skylark below has already chosen his patch.

Another bird that is active all the year around at Portland is the Rock Pipit.

Something Portland is quite famous for is Sheep Breeding some of which were enjoying the better weather.

A typical view along the East cliffs at Portland Bill.


  1. Hei Roy! Aivan uskomattomat valokuvat! Olisipa täälläkin jo kevät.

    1. Kiitos Anne. Kevät pian sinulle toivottavasti.

  2. Hi Roy, excellent photos. Spring is coming. Have a nice weekend ! Greets

  3. Excellent photos of the Skylarks in action! Glad to see you are getting some sunshine. :-)

  4. Hi Roy,
    I love the sheeps, great landscape but.....The skylarks WOW stunning images!
    Regards, Maria

  5. How amazing to capture that dispute! I think I need a new camera that will take photos like that...assuming I learned how to use it. I see great action shots that people take all the time and wish I could do that. Love the sheep photos, too. Great catching up with your wonderful photography.

    1. Thanks Mary. Great to hear from you again.


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