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Friday, 7 February 2025

Active Local Birdlife

At last the nature on my local walk is slowly coming into life with small birds becoming more active again. Blue Tits, as with other species, were observed chasing each other around the branches for obvious reasons.

Some were frantically eating all the fresh small buds emerging from tree branches.

Lesser Celandines providing some colour, are one of the first wild flowers to open up.

This Blue Tit below thought he was a Treecreeper.

A rare sight now, it was pleasing to see this Song Thrush moving around the undergrowth.

The unmistakable song of the Great Tit was heard in several areas.

Blackbirds also were adding to the local bird song.

I think this Long-tailed Tit was surveying a large Bramble Bush as a possible nesting site.

I have observed this pair of Collared Doves in a small Nature reserve on several occasions now. 

Maybe they are on the look out for a site or have already chosen one


  1. Hei Roy! Aivan ihanan näköistä siellä! Onko teillä jo kevät?

    1. Kiitos Anne. Oli vain muutama mukava päivä. Nyt on taas tosi kylmä..

  2. A nice selection of birds and the Long Tailed Tits look so cute in your photos.

  3. I love your English birds. That long tailed tit is so cute.

    1. Thanks Mary. You have lots of great birds in US as well, especially your Snow Geese.


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