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Thursday, 7 December 2023

A Dull Week

The last seven days have been pretty miserable for Nature photography and the study of nature.
The weather is either very wet or if dry, mostly overcast with a low cloud base. 
So I have included some monochrome images in this post in keeping with the normal outlook.

One bright moment was when I observed this female Kingfisher. The images are not great, but have to be included as it is not everyday that you get to see this lovely species.

This female Linnet popped up onto a high bush for a photo opportunity.

Just occasionally the sun shone through a gap in the clouds during the week, but it didn't last very long. 
This is why some of these images of a Skylark are brighter.

The fruit of an Ivy bush complements this monochrome shot.

Dunlin search for food during low tide.

As I prepare this post it has been raining hard all day and is likely to do so into the night. The weekend looks to be pretty much the same.

This image below sums up the period really.


  1. Hei Roy. Olisi kiva nähdä kuningaskalastaja joskus. Poikani on sen nähnyt täällä jo monta kertaa. Ihanaa viikonloppua.

    1. Kiitos Anne. Ne ovat hieman vaikeaselkoisia, mutta joskus käy tuuri.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Pete. It was a lucky shot, which I was ill prepared for.

  3. Tout est merveilleux dans ton article Roy.
    Mais la photo de la Linotte melodieuse est PARFAITE ! Bravo.

  4. Beautiful landscape and so nice we love all the birds, they give a lot of coulor in this dull week!
    Love the Kingfisher and the Linnet!
    Happy weekend,


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