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Sunday, 15 October 2023

Roe Deer - Rutting Season

Roe Deer are one of only two native species in UK. They are also the most widespread.
The Rut (Rutting Season) starts in May and continues to October. 
I witnessed such activity this last week. It involved two males and two females which were observed in a large field of about 25 acres. They remained at a considerable distance.

The two females appeared singularly uninterested and continued to lay in long grass at the edge of the field.

The males tried to encourage the females, but without success.

Then the two males decided to chase each other around the field.

This activity didn't last long and the males found it all rather too strenuous.

The Roe Deer population in UK is approximately 500,000 and continues to increase.
 With a height of 60 to 75 cm. The males are slightly larger. Average weight 10-25 kgs. 
They have a lifespan of up to 15 years with 7 years being the average.


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