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Wednesday 24 November 2021

Rock Pipit Portfolio

The Rock Pipit is a bird I don't have to walk very far to find.
Venturing out along the coast line at Portland Bill this week I was able to shoot these images of this much overlooked bird in this area.
A hardy resident, this bird is able to withstand the ravages of the cold windy conditions often experienced around the Bill at this time.


Health check. Due to specific targeted exercises I am able to get out walking again. So far so good.


  1. You caught the rock pipet living up to its name! Great shots.

    I am in my 4th month of physical therapy for some serious damage I did to my shoulder. Those exercises have helped so much. Wishing you similar success.

  2. Nice shots, Roy. They are tough little characters, aren't they?

    1. Thanks John. Yes they need to be tough to hang around Portland Bill in the Winter. :))

  3. Hi Roy, beautiful photos of the rock pipit. He is a little different from our pipet. Have a nice weekend !

  4. Hi Roy,
    Wow, Stunning images!!
    Beautifully captured! Verry nice bird. I think that I have never seen this Rock Pipit.
    Happy weekend and stay well!
    Regards, Maria


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