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Sunday, 17 October 2021

Temporary Change To Blog Posting

My Blog Posting will change for a while.
I have developed a physical problem that prevents me from walking any useful distance. 
This will require medical intervention and a degree of recovery.
So a lot of bird and nature photography is not possible for me now and I will only be posting occasional local scenes for the time being.

I will be back with all of my usual posting at some stage.
I will of course monitor and comment on your posting as usual.


  1. Hi Roy, I'll miss reading your posts and seeing those great photos.
    All the best and I hope you're 'back out there' soon. [:0)

  2. Good luck with your treatment and recovery.

  3. Voi ei! Toivotan sinulle toipumisia.

  4. Sorry to hear that as quick a return as possible.news Roy however I wish you a speedy recovery and

  5. I wish you all the best Roy and look forward to reading about your excursions again soon.

  6. Like all the others here's wishing you all the best and a speedy recovery. When you have been active and are then restricted it can be hard to deal with, so all the best.

  7. Mucho ánimo y que te recuperes muy pronto. Buena suerte. Saludos.

  8. I’m sorry to hear that, Roy. That must be very frustrating. I hope you don’t have to wait too long for treatment. Take care xx


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