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Saturday, 2 October 2021

Blackberry Eaters

Butterflies currently on the wing.

Two Species that can be still found at this time of year are; the Comma (resident species) the Red Admiral, (migrant species). 
The Comma can be found all the year around. 
The Red Admiral from March to the end of October.

A good place to find both species now is on Bramble bushes feeding from the over ripe blackberries that are a feature of the hedgerows at this time. 
In fact it is the only place I could find them on my recent local walk.


  1. During September it's a good place to look for me too!

    1. I would have a long way to travel now John.

  2. Lovely shots Roy of 2 beautiful butterflies. Have a great week ahead.

  3. Lovely pictures and nice to still have some butterflies about. I'm not sure if you got a comment from me earlier on another post, which I tried doing from my ipad? Anyway, I enjoyed the previous posts! :-)

  4. Hi Roy!!!... Beautiful series of pictures... Happy weekend

  5. Hey Roy ..Always love seeing butterflies and fruit in pictures and these don't disappoint .
    Very nice .



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