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Thursday, 12 August 2021

First In Year Sightings

I would normally expect to see Chalkhill Blue Butterflies at the beginning of July. 
I could not find any this year at that time.

This week (second week in August) I found plenty of this species at the normal location where I would expect to find them.
In fact some looked as if they had been around for a while.

Male Chalkhill Blue

Female Chalkhill Blue

Encouragingly I also found a number of mating pairs of Chalkhill Blue.
The female has the brown underwings.

My first Painted Lady butterfly of this year.
This was found at the same location as the Chalkhill Blue.


  1. Good to see that Chalkhill Blues are still doing well. I've seen a few Painted Ladies in the last couple of weeks, but not in the numbers of some other years.

    1. Thanks John. Ye Only seen one Painted Lady so far.

  2. Hi Roy!!!... Beautiful pictures!!! Happy weekend.

  3. Wonderful pictures and that shot of the mating Chalkhills is stunning. Right place right time. Hope you dont mind, but what equipment do you use?

    1. Thanks Dave. Sure, all my kit is Olympus.
      EMX. EM1 Mk3. EM5 Mk4. Pro lenses 300mm, 40-150. 12-40. plus 12-200. 60macro. and a Panasonic 100-300.
      Love using Olympus equipment.

  4. The Chalkhill Blues are so beautiful. Glad you saw some mating, as you say, it's always encouraging! :-)

  5. Hi Roy,
    Wow, I have never see the challhill blue. A very beautyful butterfly. And than to see them even Mating. That 's encouraging! Brilliant images! Also great the photos of the Painted Lady 👌🏻
    Regards Maria 👋🏻☺️

    1. Thanks Maria.
      It is one of my favourites and Im fortunate enough to be able to go to a certain location each year and see it.


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