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Thursday, 8 July 2021

Another Butterfly Shoot

July is a really good time of year for butterfly photography.
There are quite a number of species emerging from the first brood and also migrant arrivals.

The Red Admiral below is a migrant species arriving from Southern Europe and North Africa. May is the start of the influx 
More recently some have manage to remain and overwinter in our more recent mild winters.

The Meadow Brown below is a common resident species.
Can be observed between May and September.

Another resident is the Large Skipper below.
The most common and widespread of our resident Skipper species.

The Gatekeeper Butterfly below likes hedgerows and sunny lanes.  
The book states it also hangs around gates, hence the name I suppose.
This male is the first I have seen this year.

The beautiful Small Tortoiseshell below is also one of our resident species and always worth a photograph.
Very common, look out for the new brood from July onwards.


  1. These are beautiful, as always. I have seen very few butterflies this year so far. I like that Small Tortoiseshell.

  2. Hi Roy, beautiful serie photos of the butterflies. I haven't seen many this year.

    1. Thanks Caroline.
      The rain has not helped with the various species.


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