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Friday, 18 January 2019

Oh! Its only a Dunnock

Those words are spoken quite frequently amongst many Birdwatchers when they are out looking with great expectations of finding that something different, quite special or even rare and a Dunnock comes into view. This bird, even though we see it often, on close examination it has more intricate markings than many a species in the above categories.

Even in the song department, the male singing from a high perch in the springtime excels most of the more prominent calls of other species.

I was not aware until I looked it up, that its UK Conversation status is AMBER.


  1. Yes I know what you are saying I hate to hear that as I think every bird is special in some way and often people saying these things NEVER really look at a bird closely

  2. I said it many times only yesterday, when there seemed to be a lot of them about - in truth I probably said "Hedge Sparrow" some of the time as I've never really changed from what we called them when I first noticed that they weren't the same as our House Sparrows!

  3. You make really nice photos Roy!

  4. Um trabalho fotográfico deslumbrante!
    Fiquei particularmente rendida à última foto! O enquadramento ficou irrepreensível, e a luminosidade, e o fundo natural, estão absolutamente perfeitos!
    Mais um daqueles posts, para ficar apreciando e reapreciando!... Adorei tudo!


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