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Sunday, 26 January 2025

Avocet Revisited - Lodmoor

The weather remains quite atrocious most of the time now. 
I was able to visit Lodmoor Reserve, Weymouth in recent days as that rare event of a day when the wind was calm and the rain had stopped for a while. The Reserve water level was quite high, which reduced the roosting areas.

Two Avocet were the main attraction. 
Many of the Golden Plover that had been present for some time were missing and just about 30 remained.

The Avocet 2


Teal Drake landing on water

Grey Heron


  1. Beautiful photos. I saw a avocet too last week. Normally never in the winter.

  2. Hi Roy!!!Excellent series of pictures..

  3. It sounds like you had a brief but peaceful escape to Lodmoor Reserve, even with the weather's usual gloom. It’s always a bit of a treat when the wind calms and the rain lets up, especially when you’re out in nature. The sight of two Avocets must have been a lovely moment amidst the changing conditions. It’s curious that so many of the Golden Plover were gone—perhaps they’ve moved on to new areas. Nature's rhythms always seem to surprise! I hope the weather gives you another chance to visit soon.

    1. Thanks for your visit Melody. I am always surprised by Nature.

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks Mary. Always great to hear from you.


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