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Saturday, 18 January 2025

A Special Duck Day - GW Teal

Much discussion amongst local Birders and Nature Photographers in the last week or so about the Green-winged Teal Duck oberved at Lodmoor Reserve Weymouth.
I have observed it twice now. Unfortunately each time it was at least 100 metres/110Yards away. Even though I was using an 840mm equivalent lens, I still had to crop the image considerably.
The good thing is I have now learnt how to differentiate between our common Eurasian Teal and the Green-winged Teal. Observing the poor images below and comparing them to the Eurasian Teal below, you can see the Green-winged has a white strip down the Shoulder. The Green-winged is an extremely rare visitor to the United Kingdom.

One bird I did know was this delightful and fast Goldcrest.

Here you can see the Eurasian Teal as discussed above, of which were far more obliging to have their photograph taken.



The loocal Lapwing flock was taking flight quite often.

One nice little surprise was catching this Chiffchaff flying about a tree catching flies in the air.


  1. You twitcher! :-) Nice one. Lovely photos of the rest of the birds but congrats on the rare vagrant.

    1. Thanks Mandy, I think. 🤔
      No, I really dont want to be one of those. Although if a special species comes along I will of course photograph. it. It would be rude not to.

  2. Bonsoir Roy
    Merci pour toutes ces belles photos. Je n'ai jamais vu dans mon jardin de roitelet huppé, il est très joli.

    1. Thanks Francoise. The Goldcrest is a particular favourite of mine, but never easy to photograph.

  3. Beautiful photos. We have a lot of the ducks "wintertaling". Have a nice weekend !


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