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Saturday 17 August 2024

A Surprise Alternative

This week I travelled 20 miles to the Bird Reserve at Arne.
My objective was to photograph that mythical bird the Dartford Warbler. 
It is certainly mythical to me as it is the one bird that resides locally in Dorset in some numbers that I have not seen. I am told by others that there are some 70 pairs on the Reserve.
I took advice from the Wardens about where to search, but unfortunately to no avail.

One thing that I did find, which I see quite regularly was the Grayling butterfly.

Not an easy species to see, but I can find it quite easily. If only the Dartford Warbler was so easy.

However fate didn't let me down completely as I was able to photograph something that I had never seen before.
I observed a car going very slowly and stopping along the narrow approach road to the Reserve. 
There was a good reason for that. 
A Sow Wild Boar was stopping it and allowing her piglets to continue along that road and onto the Reserve.

A Wild Boar (with young) is best avoided.
Later as I was searching a woodland track I found the piglets feeding on grass etc.
The mother was not observed and I assumed she was laying in the bushes out of the sun. I took a few shots and made a 'tactical' retreat. 😎


  1. Replies
    1. Kiitos Anne.
      Useat paikat Dorsetissa ovat tällaisia.

  2. I have only had a few sightings of Dartford Warbler and a couple of those times were without binocs. I could tell by the shape that it was the Dartford W. Finally got a good view one time in Spain, in a desert like place where I wouldn't have imagined I'd see one! Great that you see the Grayling, I'm not sure if I have seen one though I know I saw a Rock Grayling once in Spain and we have Great Banded Graylings which are really common here in summer.

    Fabulous seeing the wild boar and piglets and so close up too to get those great photos! I didn't know they had them there. That's the place where Springwatch has been based the last few years, isn't it?

    1. Hi Mandy. I did see a different Grayling in Tuscany. It was clinging to the side of a tree.
      Yes, Springwatch was there and at Radipole for the Sand Martin.

  3. Hi Roy,
    Heel jammer van die Warbler. Ik heb hem even opgezocht op internet.....
    De verrassing maakt een hoop goed, wat een prachtige foto's van de zwijn biggen. super!!!
    Groetjes, Maria

    1. Bedankt Maria voor je zeer vriendelijke opmerkingen

  4. it has been a poor year for butterflies. the number of peacocks, small tortoisshells and rad admrals on my local walk has ben well down on last year. I FINALLY found a Painted Lady yesterday. of course I only had the phone! There have been lots of Jersey Tiger Moths though.

    I was at Dunwich heath last monday and saw a Dartford Warbler. Lucky it was calling or I'd never had spotted it,

    well done on the Grayling

    1. .Thanks a lot Pete. What is a Dartford Warbler Pete ? 😀


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