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Wednesday 5 June 2024

In the Open Field

In the open fields things are starting to happen at last.
There is more visible Bird movement from what I can now see. 
There is things happening in Agriculture. Lambs are growing and the Sheep are being shorn.
However, I have yet to be convinced that there is much Butterfly movement.

I was pleased to observe a number of Corn Buntings and hear their delightful song.
This species is on the UK Red List and is of serious concern due to the decline in population.
However it is reported as remaining at current levels, so hopefully we will continue to see the likes of this bird in the future.

Corn Bunting

Below is a classic location to find Corn Bunting.

Such an area as above is also a good place to find Stonechat.

Stonechat (Female)

 Another bird of the open field is of course the Skylark.


On this field walk my concern about the lack of butterflies was confirmed.
I only managed to find a Small Heath and did observe a few Large Whites on the wing.
I quite expected to find some Adonis Blue in this area, but without success.

Small Heath

There are plenty of sheep to be found in the area. 
My field walk was concentrated around Maiden Castle Dorchester.

Common Spotted Orchid


  1. Hei Roy! Ihana maisema ja kuvauskohteet.

  2. nice! I haven't seen a corn bunting or tree sparrow in ages and this year seems terrible for hirundines!!

    1. Thanks Pete. I have yet to see a Tree Sparrow.

  3. Beautiful blogs Roy, I like the birds, especially the corn bunting and the flowers, the Rhododendrons . Have a nice weekend !


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