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Thursday, 11 August 2022

An Update

Some 4 weeks ago my eye operation failed due to complications that occurred. (c'est la vie)

The date for a follow up operation is not yet planned due to my eye not settling down sufficiently.

Hopefully it will be a date in September.

Meanwhile I am still walking in the countryside with my iPhone as a camera.

iPhone Image

Unfortunately due to these medical complications, I missed the barley and wheat harvest this year and all the fields have been cut and cleared. The dark brown fields on the right of the photo are actually grass, but has been burned up by the extreme hot and sunny conditions we have been experiencing recently.


  1. Wishing you the best possible outcome, Roy. A tough situation.

    1. Thank you for your very kind comments Wilma.

  2. Oh no! I hope the eyes get better soon! A very beautiful landscape. Absolutely lovely colors.

  3. I'm sorry Roy... Meanwhile enjoy your day .. My best wishes to you...

  4. Sorry to read about your eye operation Roy. Wishing you only the very best for the second. That is a glorious photo! Can’t believe it is September tomorrow.


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