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Saturday 19 October 2019

Late Flutters

Two late butterflies observed in the last week.

The Painted lady is still around as I photographed two close to each other on Portland Bill.

The Red Admiral I expected to see as they can remain active well into the month of December.

A scene along the East Cliff of Portland.


  1. Haven't seen a Painted Lady for a few weeks now, though it's been so rainy that it's hardly been the weather for any butterflies.

    1. The rain has just hit us now John (and some).

  2. Great pictures, we are out of flutterers here sadly.

  3. Hi Roy,
    It is nearly over now! Beautiful butterflies! And Stunning landscape!
    Regards, Maria

  4. Your butterflies are fantastic as always. Your last photo with the view is also a very beautiful one.
    Greetings, Helma


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