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Saturday 21 September 2024

A Morning at Ferry Bridge.

The High Tide time that morning was around 10am. 
The weather was sunny with some wind, so a visit to Ferry Bridge Reserve around 11am was a good option. As the tide recedes the wader birds arrive and search the muddy sand for food.

The Knot is a regular visitor to the Dorset coastline in the Autumn and Winter.


The Dunlin. A small wader that is very common throughout the year on the coastline and observed in high numbers at this time.

The Ringed Plover. 
Another small wader that can be found all year around on the coastal areas. 
We also get winter visitors from Greenland and Canada on the Dorset coatline.

At this time Wheatears can be found at Ferry Bridge until October.
This species tend to congregate on the Dorset Coastal areas to feed up before the long journey to West Africa. 

A few Mediterranean Gulls were observed, which is a regular event in this area.

Pied Wagtails, a regular sight throughout the year.

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