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Monday 16 September 2024

Summer Flutters

Some better news on the Butterfly Front in my area.

More warm weather now has brought out various species to show off their colours. 
This was a walk around Radipole Lake Reserve that revealed the following.

The Red Admiral

Large White Female (Summer Brood)

Small White Female (Summer Brood)


Monday 9 September 2024

Eclipse Art

I wouldn't normally bother to shoot some images of Mallard Ducks in Eclipse Plumage.
However just occasionally you see something in the World of nature that you just have to take advantage of and take the photograph.

Such an occasion occurred this week. I was walking along the local river that runs along to the North of the town where I live. On the opposite side of the river path are large trees of differing varieties. 
The weather was sunny (for a change) and was shining through the trees.

I noticed this pair of Mallard ducks resplendent? in their 'Eclipse' plumage swimming along under the low hanging foliage. What was quite different was the various colours showing under the water surface highlighted by the sun.

I have optimistically described this as images of Art.

I will certainly take more notice in future of what appears 'ordinary'.